Geronggang Derum

B68 / B88 / B90

Common Name
Geronggang Derum
Scientific Name
Cratoxylum formosum
Growth Form and Foliage
  • It is a medium tree up to 45 m tall. Its bark is grey and scaly.
  • Leaves are opposite, long-stalked leaves have fleshy to papery leaf blades that are usually narrowly to broadly oval, and 3.5 - 18 by 1 - 7.6 cm.
Its faintly fragrant flowers are 1.3 - 2.5 cm wide, with light pink petals. They are found in clusters of 1 - 6, in axils of fallen leaves or on bare twigs.
Its dark brown fruits are ellipsoid, 10 - 19 by 4 - 6 mm, and split open into three parts when ripe to release the winged seeds. Up to half of the bases of the fruits are covered by the sepals too.
It grows on hills, primary or secondary forests, river edges, swamps, and on clay or sandy soils, up to 1,200 m altitude.
Ethnobotanical features
  • Edible fruit and leaves, believed to be beneficial for one’s health.
  • Medicinal: skin problems, colic and itch can be treated by a decoction and resin from the bark.
  • The wood is a commercial source of medium-weight hardwood known as derum for carving, charcoal, firewood, furniture, house construction, poles and turnery.

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KL East Park

Open daily, 7:00AM – 6:30PM
*Last entry is at 4.30pm
Lot 201064, Jalan Melati Kuarza 3,
53100, KL East, Kuala Lumpur.

+6019 300 3634*
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